
...a blog by Richard Flowers

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Day 2789: Bottomkickers – Series Two


Fear not fans of POTTY Dr Gillian Magwilde and her gorgeous and demographically-balanced team of I hesitate to describe them as archaeologists…

First with the BREAKING NEWS, BBC One's national laughingstock groundbreaking… literally groundbreaking as in they break the ground… drama "Bottomkickers" is to return and the first episode of the new series will see them in AMERICA uncovering the mystery of the BIGFOOT!

"As the ice melted, the exposed head was found to be 'unusually hollow'."

"As the process continued the feet …were found to be rubber."

…it's a GORILLA SUIT in a block of ICE, isn't it.

Never mind, I'm sure Dr Silly Gilly will find a way to prove that Roddy McDowell was using Excalibur as a walking stick while filming Planet of the Apes.

This may turn out to be a hoax

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