
...a blog by Richard Flowers

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day 3238: Mr Mark Reckons named 65th most powerful person on Earth


The new 2009 Forbes Power List has been published and the two persons from Great Britain on the table of the World's 67 most powerful people (apparently one for every one-hundred million humans) are the Prime Monster Mr Frown and our very own Mr Mark Thompson!

I've got that right, haven't I?

Clearly, it really WAS a VERY GOOD blog post.

OBVIOUSLY this is only the list of the most important HUMAN BEANS. I eagerly… and modestly… await the list of the World's most important ELEPHANTS…

…still waiting…

…still waiting…

…still waiting…



Mark Thompson said...

One day Millennium. One day you will all see my power.

Millennium Dome said...

And I for one welcome our new blogging Overlord...