
...a blog by Richard Flowers

Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 4586: Mr Balloon versus Porn


Dear Prime Prude,

Can it be only a year since the LAST time that the No Sex Please We’re British Brigade tried to censor the Internet?

If you want to reduce the “damage” that might be caused by online images, you want to be making young people MORE comfortable with the idea of naked human bodies, rather than flapping about saying how BAD it is to see them; and breezily conflating the terms “child abuse” and “things a child might see” and “things that make me squeamish/things I cannot admit to liking” is only going to make matters worse.

Nevertheless, and setting aside the ENDLESS HILARITY of introducing “POP-UP warnings” for your Microsoft, or whether or not sheathing your old “Lads” mags in a plastic cover could provide some PROTECTION, might I recommend that, as a first step to reducing the demeaning of women, all search engines stop reporting any searches for the terms “Sun”, “Daily Mail”, “Telegraph” and “that fatuous nincompoop who leads the Conservatory Party”.

Happiness will be hugely increased at, I think, very little cost.

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