
...a blog by Richard Flowers

Friday, March 30, 2007

Day 2280: Without a Paddle


And the PRIZE for the WEIRDEST place from which someone has followed a link to my Very Fluffy Diary, so far, goes to…

Google search for

"how to build a dirigible in your own hat without a paddle"

where The Very Fluffy Diary of Millennium Dome, Elephant came out third!

This has been my 400th diary and is brought to you by the miracle of MyBlogLog!


Never mind that; read THIS!

Millennium points a fluffy foot – Daddy hops to it!


One day to go!


Anonymous said...
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Alex Wilcock said...

Congratulations, Millennium!

Well done on your 400th post, and thank you for the plug to my built-slightly-faster-than-a-government-contract House.

I’ve not got round to using MyBlogLog myself, but I’m told that I’m the number one Google result if anyone’s looking for “All-pervading evil”. Not entirely sure how to take that…